RQ20297 - Refrigerated Trailer - Mobile Morgue for Medical Examiner
- Event date:
- 1/1/0001
- Office of Procurement & Diversity, Room 110, County Administration Building, 1219 Ontario, Cleveland, Ohio 44113
August 2, 2011
Justice Services
RQ20297 One Refrigerated Trailer Hazmat Medical Associate, LTD $37,600.00
For Use by the Medical Examiner
Notice is hereby given that sealed proposals will be received in the Office of Procurement & Diversity, Room 110, County Administration Building, 1219 Ontario, Cleveland, Ohio 44113 until 11:00 A.M., (Local Time) on:
June 15, 2011 for: a Refrigerated Trailer for use as a Mobile Morgue for the Medical Examiner’s Office as per our specifications and as listed on RQ 20297. The SBE Goal for this Notice is 0%.
The official closing time shall be determined by the wall clock located in the Office of Procurement & Diversity. (SAME ADDRESS) Late bids will be returned unopened.
There will be no Pre-Bid Conference.
Specifications and proposal blanks may be obtained at the Office of Procurement & Diversity. (SAME ADDRESS) Vendors are also encouraged to register with the County on the Internet at http://www.opd.cuyahogacounty.us/ to receive notices of future bid opportunities.
Prospective bidders must comply with the applicable contract compliance procedures for the County’s Small Business Enterprise Program as stipulated by the County Executive.
Each bid in excess of $25,000.00, must be accompanied by a "Bid Bond" executed by a Surety Company authorized to do business in the State of Ohio, "Certified Check", "Cashier's Check" or "Money Order" drawn on a solvent bank or Savings and Loan Association, payable to the TREASURER OF CUYAHOGA COUNTY, OHIO, in the amount of Five Percent(5%) of amount bid, conditioned that if such bid is accepted, the bidder shall execute a Contract in conformity to the specifications and bid and furnish required Contract documents within 21 days of notice of award. There will be no “Performance Bond”.
Payment will only be made upon approval of the County Executive and payments will be warrants issued by the County Auditor upon notification from the County Executive.
Cuyahoga County reserves the right to accept or reject any bids or any part or all parts of any bid submitted, and waive all technicalities.
Each proposal must state in full, the name and address of each person, firm or corporation interested in the bid submitted.
Office of Procurement & Diversity
Publish in the Plain Dealer on May 31, 2011
This notice may also be viewed at the following Cuyahoga County Internet Web Site: www.opd.cuyahogacounty.us by clicking on the show events tab and the bid due date month. A list of open bids will appear on the next screen.